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Creating gender effective polcies

Creating gender effective polcies

It is our pleasure to release the policy study “Creating of Gender Effective Policies: Model for increasing the dialogue and inclusion of the citizens from the community in the process of creating Gender Responsive polices”. The study is a result of a project that the Institute of social sciences and humanities – Skopje has implemented with the support of UN Women and in partnership with Akcija Zdruzenska in the period of November 2012 until December 2013.

The aim of the project was the increasing of competences of the representatives of the local self-government for the inclusion of gender issues in the local documents, policies and activities and the establishment of a collaborative dialogue between local authorities, NGOs and activists. The project also helped the revision of policies and documents according to the identified needs and priorities of women from the local community.

The good practices arising from the project implementation in three municipalities in Macedonia (Strumica, Gjorche Petrov and Bogovina) enabled the creation of a model that can serve as a guide to the attempt to establish gender equality and to the inclusion of the gender perspective in the main trends, policies and practices in the local self-government units.


Creating gender effective polcies

Krijimi i Politikave Efektive Gjinore

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