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Towards editorial freedom: self-regulation of the program aspects in the public broadcaster

Towards editorial freedom: self-regulation of the program aspects in the public broadcaster

The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje kindly invites you to the debate “Towards editorial freedom: self-regulation of the program aspects in the public broadcaster”, that will be held in hotel Solun on 23.01.2019 (Wednesday), starting at 10:30h.

Participants that will take part in the discussion are: Smilka Janeska Sarkanjac, Aneta Andonova, Ana Chupeska, Igor Jovanoski and Naser Selmani (Moderator).

The debate will focus on the manners how to enable editorial freedom for the public broadcaster through a self-regulation of its programmatic aspects. Participants will speak about different aspects of the process of development of a bylaw document for a programmatic regulation of MRT. This document is a result of a self-regulation process and contains the basic principles, processes and roles of planning, implementing, broadcasting and evaluation of the audio and audiovisual program. The aim of this bylaw document is to set a frame of program standards, which will ensure quality program with the highest professional standards and also protect the public interest.

The debate is a part of the project “Initiative for Editorial Freedom: New Policies and Data Driven Advocacy” implemented by the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje in partnership with Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM). The main aim of the project is to assess the effects of the existing legislation over the editorial freedom as prescribed by the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, and to initiate data based advocacy for new propositions and new solutions for policies that will enable freedom of expression.

The project is implemented as a part of the program Civil Society Facility of IPA 2 (the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) the instrument of European Union for Macedonia.

Invitation for a debate and Agenda