New challenges in the overcoming of ‘democratic backsliding’ in North Macedonia: ‘State capture’ and ‘illiberal democracy’
In the period 2020-2022, ISSHS implemented the project “New challenges in the overcoming of ‘democratic In the period 2020-2022, ISSHS implemented the project “New challenges in the overcoming of ‘democratic backsliding’ in North Macedonia: ‘State capture’ and ‘illiberal democracy’ revisited in an emerging context”, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy. The project has been complementing the previous projects: topics of state capture, de-capturing the state institutions, reducing the power of the executive branch, depolarization of public discourse. One of the goals of the project was to analyze, advocate and raise the awareness against any possible democratic backsliding due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, we analyzed and advocated publicly and directly in front of the key policy makers with a significant level of public visibility, on the matter of the very setup of the public sector and the prevalent notion of good administration as embedded in the legislation according it the status of a matter of high relevance when opening Chapter 23 of the EU negotiations.
Links of the products related to the project:
Web campaign “Your story” (available only in Macedonian: „Твојата приказна.“] , available at:
Policy analysis “De-capturing the Administrative Mind: Polarization of the Relations between the Citizens and the State” [available only in Macedonian] at:
Closed online expert workshop “On the path towards the EU: Effective and transparent administration in service for citizens” (December 11, 2020)
Online panel “Authoritarian Bending of Euro-Technocracy Illiberalism’s Devil in The Details in Southeast Europe: The Case of North Macedonia” (February 2, 2021)
Panel Discussion “Delivery of digital services created for the citizens” (September 2, 2021)
Policy study “De-capturing the Public Sector and the Administrative Apparatus: The Unfinished Business of Implementing EU’s Urgent Reform Priorities of 2015”, available at:
Policy study “De-capturing the Public Sector and the Administrative Apparatus”, available at:
Policy study “Toward an Exit Point from the Enlargement Cul-de-Sac Posed by the Macedonian-Bulgarian Dispute” available at: