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The School of Materialist Research (SMR) is an education and research collective that offers Intensive Study Courses, Seminars, Special Programs, and Research Initiatives that address the materialisms running through contemporary science, philosophy, art, mathematics, design, architecture, and politics. SMR was founded by the Center for Philosophical Technologies at Arizona State University, The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje, the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics at TU Vienna, and the Critical Inquiry Lab at the Design Academy Eindhoven and serves as a global hub for education, research, and experimentation at the intersection of the humanities, social sciences, creative fields, and the STEM sciences. The directors of SMR are: Vera Bühlmann, Katerina Kolozova, Adam Nocek and Iris van der Tuin. The Netherland’s Academy for Critical Inquiry has endorsed the program of SMR with words of praise, and since Fall 2021 offers the SMR courses for ECTS certificates.

Find out more at https://schoolofmaterialistresearch.org/